Development and execution of projects
at the properties managed by Casa Madre

Various projects

Casa Madre helps coordinate projects on behalf of the Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation. Some of the projects being implemented are:

  • the renovation of the Shri Nirmala Devi Palace and gardens;
  • the reconstruction of the toilet facility in the Albera complex;
  • the construction of new shower and toilet facilities for the Camping Agriturismo Bellavista opposite the Albera complex;
  • the designing of new kitchen in the Mulino area at the Albera complex.


We invite you to visit the pages of the individual projects:

The renovation of the Shri Nirmala Devi Palace

The planning of the proposed works has been done over the last three years by a team of architects called International Sahaj Architects (ISA) based in Cabella Ligure, at the World Foundation Office.

All decisions were taken in collaboration with all levels of the Foundation and all technical solutions were examined with the utmost attention to quality, beauty, economy and suitability to its historical significance.