Throughout Her life, Shri Mataji dedicated much of Her time and energy to developing sahaj education and, especially in the Her later years, setting up sahaja schools.
In recent years, there has been an ever-increasing desire within the Sahaja Yoga community to find sahaj solutions to enable the next generation of Yuva Shakti to grow up in a safe and natural way.
In response to this wish, a new project has recently been created to extend Sahaj education beyond Cabella International Sahaja School (CISS) so that boys and girls of Sahaj families aged between 11 and 18 can live immersed in vibrations and in a protected environment, which fosters their spiritual evolution.
Ciminiera Yuva Shakti Ashram (CYSA), the name of the new project, will be a “blended” solution in that it offers the possibility of living in an Ashram near Cantalupo Ligure (Casa Ciminiera), and attending a local state school (middle or high school) in the valley, Val Borbera.
Casa Ciminiera is located in an enchanted rural environment, surrounded by nature and just down the road from Cabella, a place so often blessed by the presence of Shri Mataji.
Here the Yuvas will be able to benefit from all the advantages of collective life based on Sahaj values, under the guidance of sahaj aunts and uncles. They will grow up together forging special bonds with their brothers and sisters that they will treasure for the rest of their lives.
Our children need a balanced education, now more than ever. Shri Mataji placed great value on education; a balanced education with discipline rooted in love and respect.